Friday, December 08, 2006


A muffin is just a guise for having cake in the morning (minus the frosting). Regardless, I deserve a little cake on my birthday.

BTW, I tried the aztec spicy hot chocolate (see item #2 of entry from 12/5/06). It was pretty good but a little on the rich side. I think I can only drink about 1 oz at a time. Not to mention that you'd die of a massive heart attack if you try to drink any more than that (something like 10 gm sat fat per serving - 50% RDA - geezaloo!)

What I really want to try is kee's chocolates. I went by the store after work a couple of days ago, and there was a sign on the door that said "all sold out for today". Can you imagine?? It was only 3:00. It makes me want them even more. Oh, how will I ever get my hands on a batch??

I will have to be crafty.


Karinina said...

I don't really like muffins

I don't know why

they bore me...I never want to get through them

Swathi said...

It's because they're so damn large.

So this muffin I had on my b-day was a cappucino chocolate muffin (clearly cake) and I only had half. Because a whole muffin would have indeed bored me.