Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Don't read this if you're in a remotely good mood.

I'm experiencing a touch of self-loathing today. It's one of those days when I'm annoyed at myself for the few times in life when I've been careless and reckless. I'm especially mad because I would probably do it all over again. Like, today.

You know, there is nothing wrong with spontanaeity. As a word it has a very positive connotation, and as an attribute I hear guys really like it in women. Why then, does it just sound to me like the more attractive step-sister of impulsiveness? For some reason, my "spontanaeity" only brings about countless hours wasted in self-doubt and self-loathing. What am I talking about? I'm not yet ready to share the specifics, but they're not that interesting anyway.

I'm worse than my dogs. At least they learn that pooping in their cage annoys them more than it does me. Don't shit where you live. Not that I've done anything as remotely interesting as shitting where I live, but walking into a situation, eyes wide open, knowing it may cause some emotional damage sounds a bit like shitting where you live. Metaphorically speaking.

This post is boring me. I am tempted to cut it short because I'm sure no one but Karin has made it past the first paragraph. Thanks for the support, K, and everyone else, excellent choice. I'm glad you've decided to spend your time more productively. Say, by scratching your bum.

God, I really hate me today. Not only have I not done one important thing, but I've eaten way too many cookies, I did not exercise, I did not walk the dog, I did not floss, and I'm just sitting here, wallowing uselessly. I know, I know. People are dying somewhere else. I am very lucky that I'm not one of those people. And yes, there are more important things to think about right now, even in my own pathetic life. Like the fact that I'm interviewing for residency. I should be very happy that I even have interviews considering how grossly underqualified I feel.

Apparently, instead of being positive, I prefer to just sit here and hate myself some more. Yep. That sounds like a good plan to me. Feel free to try to cheer me up and come prepared for failure. And bring cookies.

And by the way, if I have to hear anymore from the mutual masturbation that is Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, I might shit a brick. Seriously? Those two need to stop being quoted. "She inspires me." Ugh. Gag me first and then get a life.

1 comment:

Karinina said...

Oh Swath.

You are in a funk.

You will obviously have to explain all about it next weekend. We should have a total girl's weekend. I'd love that.

I am up in Maine at my sister's now. She and her hubby have there bdays tomorrow so I'll be babysitting the boys. I have been up here sinceTuesday for a conference.

Anyway, I took the boys to presents for their parents and ingredients for make-your-own-sundaes and that was so fun and now after I devoured my chocolate chip ice cream with caramel and whipped cream(and read the ingredients which had way more corn syrup than I am comfortable with) and spent a couple hours watching make-over shows on TLC, even I am feeling like a waste. Even though I am surrounded by cute monkeys. I just feel mushy and kinda lonely and head achey. Maybe it was all that sugar.

Sigh. BUT next weekend you'll be coming to see me (and something about an interview) and that is already getting me through next week, which is going to be INSANE bc I have to put up this how and I am working with someone who is trying to take over while I am away and I am going to deal w her on Monday. Ugh, but then you will come up and I already have a couple ideas for nice things we will do.
