Yesterday, I spontaneously (eh, eh? you like my choice of word here?) went over to my friend Rishi's apartment for Thanksgiving since my family members were either in India or in a hospital (not sick, just working). After stuffing ourselves with a Whole Foods pre-prepared Thanksgiving meal (delicious, by the way) we all drank some ugly juice. Okay, okay. So there is no such thing, but we did have a little fun with Rishi's mac, which has a camera that worsens one's good and bad features. It's a very egalitarian camera. This sounds noble in theory, but in practice is just plain hideous. Behold, our portraits. Warning: Prepare yourself for FUGLINESS. Some of these pictures are best seen on an empty stomach.
In other news, I would also like to report that I went running today, which effectively absolves not only yesterday's sinful eating, but that which will undoubtedly ensue in the coming hours. FYI. Also, I am officially addicted to guitar hero. I am going to ask Roey to ask mom to buy it for us. If you haven't tried it, maybe you shouldn't. I'm not sure you will be able to handle the extreme heroicism you'll ultimately attain. I couldn't. And I save lives. Everyday. This is if you count buying yourself shoes that you "just can't live without" as saving a life. Which I do.
I can't see the photos
I like that last one!
heh heh
evil evil
you had Thanksgiving dinner with Steve Tyler?
that wasn't michael.. it was Lisa (not sure why I keep thinking i'm my brother)
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