Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happenings at 328 West Ivy Hill

This is where I live. Well, not really. I don't actually live on the golf course but this is the view from my porch as taken at 7:45 this morning. Sometimes I wonder if a view like this can be real. It's even more breathtaking in person. Doesn't it seem straight out of Anne of Green Gables? Too bad I've never been able to frolic on the grass to complete the daydream. What you can't see is the "no trespassing" sign somewhere over there.

Last night, Thales was a bit restless and I couldn't figure out why. He had been fed and walked, and he pooped and peed, but he just kept whining. I relented and gave him Binky, which worked to calm him down. Isn't this just the cutest thing ever?

Well apparently, if you're Thales, this is what you do to things you love.

I knew it was a bad idea but eh, whatever. He had fun for about two minutes. Funeral services were held this morning for Binky the bear. He now lies in the trash at the back of the house.

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